Weather forecasts of today, 12.02.25
Very cloudy

Very cloudy

Weather Conditions

Humid air masses will continue to determine the weather in South Tyrol.

Today's Weather forecasts

Clouds will predominate and there may be rain in places, especially in the morning. The snow line will be between 1000 and 1200 m.

Next days Weather forecasts

Sunnier at the weekend


/ 11°
-3° /

/ 11°
-5° /

/ 11°
-10° / -1°

/ 11°
-11° / -2°
70%  60%  70%  70%  
Thursday will be mostly cloudy, with isolated rain showers in the afternoon. The forecast for Friday is uncertain; from today's perspective, clouds will once again predominate with a few rain and snow showers. On Saturday, the clouds will clear and it will become sunny. Sunday will bring sunshine with high clouds.
issued: 12.02.25, 07:30     © Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano